
Silk Comforter FAQ

What is a silk duvet?

A silk comforter is a type of bed covering from China, but now widespread throughout the world. It 'also known as a silk quilt or blanket, silk blankets, is used for heat. A silk comforter is like a down comforter (or duvet), as it is a really great "envelope" of fabric filled with insulation material. silk quilts are filled with silk thread (similar to cotton balls stretched textures), insulation and the outside is often made of silk, which makes them not only hot but also luxury.

Where can I buy a silk duvet?

Call your local store to see if they carry them, or buy from a small boutique shop, which tend to carry goods of better quality than the chain stores. usual caveats apply to online stores. See our more detailed article on this topic here: Shopping for silk duvet.

How silk quilts work?

Silk quilts are usually included in a cover (duvet cover that) and then placed directly over the sleeper. Some prefer to use a top sheet as an additional layer added ease of care. Because they are made of silk, which is an insulator flush with the bottom of the Comforter Silk is very warm for its weight.

What are the advantages of silk and silk quilts?

Not only is silk, an excellent insulator, but in the long term, the set temperature, respiration, comfortable, very light, flowing naturally in your body is naturally hypoallergenic and does not require chemicals for processing, and is a natural resource renewable. Using silk can also save money by helping the planet, which lowers the thermostat on cold winter nights.

How to compare with silk down?

Silk has many advantages over the ground. Both are natural and renewable materials that are excellent insulators and extremely light. However, silk is naturally hypoallergenic Whereas the bottom must be cleaned to remove common allergens and dander, a process that often involves the use of chemicals. When used as fill console, must be sewn specially to avoid accumulation of cold, which adds to the overall price of the product. Floss filling that has been stretched and layered, making it impossible to build. Down is also a tendency to "leak" through the coating, silk would never do something because it is a continuous thread. See also: How to buy a comforter

What are the different types of silk used in silk duvet?

Mulberry silk is created from the silkworm Bombyx mori a diet solely of mulberry leaves, the silk production of high quality with a single strand. Habotai silk is a type of silk - silk with a smooth, even weave (Habotai means "soft as down" in Japanese). Silk Dupioni is made from double cocoons nested together - the son is uneven and irregular. Tussah silk is a plain weave of "wild silkworms with unregulated schemes. It has irregular thick and thin yarns creating uneven surface and color as the silkworms are allowed to hatch and tear a hole in the cocoon, breaking the single wire into multiple strands.

Envy that silk?

The "hand" of silk is exceptionally smooth and fluid. It 's so light and soft that when you run it on your skin, it feels like a gentle breeze or a flow of fresh water. Immediately warms to the touch and of course, but breathes and allows air to pass through.

As is made of silk?

Silk is the product of the silk moth caterpillar or silkworm, which combines a cocoon. This cocoon is a long thread fiber protein, to protect the harbor and the silkworm, and turns into a butterfly. The cocoons are immersed in hot water or steam to dissolve the sticky substance called sericin that holds them together, and the silk thread is then separated, staggered and twisted yarn used for weaving silk. See also: How is made of silk

What is the difference between a duvet and a duvet?

Quilts and duvets are basically the same thing - Handbags dish filled with a material used as bedding. The term is used to describe a down comforter that is intended to be covered, and is usually a feather duvet. Many people also use the blanket term referring to a blanket, but is not technically correct.

How / why hypoallergenic silk?

Silken hypoallergenic properties derive from a variety of features. First, the silk starts clean and simple - a single strand of fiber held together with a natural glue called sericin. So do not trigger allergic substances. Secondly, the silk is treated with chemicals, little or nothing. Thirdly, sericin is a natural repellent, making it inhospitable to dust mites silk, an important source of allergens. Finally, silk retains its structure for a very long time, contrary to what may deteriorate and collapse, creating small parts that can cause irritation. See also: Silk Hypoallergenic Properties

How / why the temperature setting of silk?

What is broken? Silk stockings and a certain level of ability to control the temperature, because of their ability to "breathe" and absorb excess moisture. Because silk is less need for the same amount of heat, the comfort of fine silk is able to move more air without compromising the heat. In addition, silk has a greater ability to absorb moisture down (up to one third of its weight), which keeps it dry and comfortable during sleep.

How to save on winter heating bills silk?

A silk duvet can snuggle up in your own little cocoon, you can adjust the thermostat only significantly for the third day he fell asleep. This money not only for heating, but also helps reduce environmental pollution. See also: Sales of silk duvets

Who should buy a silk quilt, which should not?

silk long list of performance makes it ideal for almost everyone. However, it may not be suitable for young children may soil their bedding, or in families where the animals have a tendency to stratification of the damage.

How long silk last?

If properly treated (see below), the silk must last more than a decade, and perhaps for many decades, with the potential to become an asset, just like traditional quilts.

How do I take care of silk or silk duvet?

Although most products are washable silk if cleaning is done with special care, the unique construction of quilts in silk with silk raw silk quilts need special treatment. Guide top sheet and a duvet cover to minimize the need to clean the comforter. Put down in the heat of the sun is the way to revive traditional silk duvet that use has flattened. In the rare cases that require cleaning, professional dry cleaning or wet cleaning are necessary. See also: Silk Comforter Care

How can I keep quilts in silk or silk?

Silk is a natural fabrics, and who needs protection when stored for long periods. Wrap him in his quilt, store in a dark, cool, dry and protected against insects and moisture. See also: Silk Comforter Care

What is the weight of silk quilt should I buy?

heat of silk is measured by the amount of filler used in silk, in pounds or kilograms. Several manufacturers offer a wide range of fill weights ranging from 1 to 6 people or more books. The weight you choose depends on your climate and the sleep preferences. See our article on choosing a duvet silk for more details.

The silk production cruel to animals or people?

The majority of silk production involves shortening the life of the silkworm, destroying the worms before they have the ability to chew her out of the cocoon and damaging the threads of silk. This is usually done with hot water or steam. The silkworm has been domesticated for thousands of years and is now completely dependent on humans for survival. "Wild", or make silk Tussah silk butterfly to live his life fully, but this is the cost of short chapters, which should make thread instead of wire. production of silk is like most of fabrics - is a lot of work in hand. Because of the high value of silk, well, there is no possibility of profits find their way to the qualified worker. Silk also lends to private companies, since start-up costs for small-scale operations are very low.

There is an alternative to synthetic silk?

Various artificial materials, including many varieties of rayon, polyester and nylon are designed to simulate the appearance and other properties of silk, but not all respond to one aspect or another.

What sericulture?

Sericulture is the art and science of raising silkworms and their cocoons. Sericulture is an ancient craft past and perfected over thousands of years. Once it was a very guarded secret in China, but is now practiced worldwide. A sericulturist is particularly adept at maintaining their own controlled environment (temperature and humidity) for the silkworm and mulberry cultivation is used as food.

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